The Colloquium Religious Images in the Roman World will be held at UNIRIO – Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (July 16-18th). It is organised by Claudia Beltrão (UNIRIO) and Prof. Federico Santangelo (Newcastle University).
Religious images embody beliefs and knowledges. They are products of dialogues, exchanges and controversies. As the result of historical developments, they are not fixed, but dynamic. They are located in a multiplicity of records: in ritual practices; in religious, political and intellectual domains; in debates on legitimacy, authority, identity, and in theological debates in which they emerge as active elements in the unfolding of the arguments. The conference intends to explore this complex and fascinating problem in a three-day colloquium to be held at UNIRIO, thanks to the support of a British Academic Newton Advanced Fellowship. Its aim is to overcome the convencional disciplinary divides that have all too often hindered scholarly and intellectual exchanges and bring together in conversation specialists in Ancient History, Art History, Archaeology, Religious Studies, Classics, Ancient Philosophy and Politics. The colloquium’s key goal is to broaden the conversation beyond conventionally ‘religious’ domain.
July 16th (Tuesday)
13:30h – Opening and Welcome/ Claudia BELTRÃO (UNIRIO) & Federico SANTANGELO (Newcastle University)
14:00h – Nicole BELAYCHE (EPHE/Anhima, Paris): Images as an exploring path for deciphering the vexed question of ‘mistery cults’/Imagens como uma via exploratória para decifrar a controversa questão dos ‘cultos de mistério’.
15:20h – Guillermina BOGDAN (Universidad Nacional de La Plata): A El dinamismo de las imágenes sagradas: análisis de las figuras de Marte, Término, Juventas y Júpiter en ‘Antiquitates rerum divinarum’40-41, de Varrón/The Dynamism of the Sacred Images: analysis of the figures of Mars, Terminus, Juventas and Jupiter in Varro’s ‘Antiquitates rerum divinarum’ 40-41.
16:00h – Claudia BELTRÃO (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro): Modos ciceronianos de lidar com estátuas divinas/ Ciceronian ways of dealing with divine statues.
17:00 h – Opening cocktail/Coquetel de abertura
July 17th (Wednesday)
9:30h – Giorgio FERRI (Sapienza Università di Roma): Moving Images and the Ritual Transformation of Rome’s Religious Landscape: remarks and case-studies/ Imagens em movimento e a transformação ritual da paisagem religiosa de Roma: observações e estudos de caso.
10:50h – Cecilia AMES (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/Conicet): Religious Images and Urban Places in the Roman World: an Approach from Vergil’s Aeneid/Imagens religiosas e lugares urbanos no mundo romano: uma abordagem a partir da Eneida de Virgílio.
11:40h – María Emilia CAIRO (Universidad Nacional de La Plata/Conicet): Iuno Regina en Eneida 12: evocatio y reconciliación/Iuno Regina in Aeneid 12: evocatio and reconciliation.
12:30h – Lunch/Almoço
14:00h – Fabio Vergara CERQUEIRA (Universidade Federal de Pelotas): Orfeu e as Musas: música e religiosidade no Ocidente romano (século III-IV d.C.)/ Orpheus and the Muses: music and religiosity in the Roman West (3rd-4th c. AD).
15:20h – Adriene Baron TACLA (Universidade Federal Fluminense): The Tarrant Hoard under New Light: reflections from a performance point of view/O Tesouro de Tarrant sob uma nova luz: reflexões do ponto de vista da performance.
16:40h – Jorwan GAMA (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro): Imagens religiosas do mundo romano em livros escolares brasileiros/Religious Images of the Roman World in Brazilian Schoolbooks.
July 18th (Thursday)
9:30h – Gilvan Ventura da SILVA(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo): Imagens da festa em Antioquia: algumas reflexões sobre o culto a Dioniso/Festival Images in Antioquia: some Reflections on the Cult of Dionysus.
10:50h – Carlos Augusto MACHADO (University of St. Andrews): Secular and Sacred in Late Antique Portraits/Secular e sagrado em retratos tardo-antigos.
11:40h – Peter STEWART (Oxford University): The Technology of Classical Naturalism in Ancient Religious Images/ A tecnologia do naturalismo clássico em imagens religiosas antigas.
12:30h – Closing Remarks – Claudia BELTRÃO & Federico SANTANGELO
13:00h – Cocktail