Sheshonq (Shishak) in Palestine is the title of an extended two-day webinar organized by Dr. Felix Höflmayer and Dr. Roman Gundacker, both of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
The webinar aims at analyzing textual and archaeological evidence in relation to Pharao Sheshonq’s (22nd Dynasty) campaigns in the southern Levant, and the looting of the temple in Jerusalem connected with them. In that framework, participants will consider the Egyptian account (on the Bubastite Portal in Karnak) and the narrative of the Hebrew Bible (1 Kings 14:25-28 and 2 Chronicles 12:2-9) seen as perfectly aligned with each other.
The link between the Egyptian inscription and the verses in the Hebrew Bible was perceived as even stronger and more reliable, after a fragment of a stela bearing the name of Sheshonq I was found in the excavations of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago at Megiddo.
In addition, the participants will discuss and review the way Sheshonq I’s campaign has become and is yet seen as an unavoidable peg in the chronological system of Iron Age Israel.
Sheshonq (Shishak) in Palestine: further details
To attend the webinar, register in advance:
For the program see the link here.