10 October 2013 Start
10 October 2013 End
7:00 p.m. Time
Greece ASCSA, Cotsen Hall, 9 Anapiron Polemou, 106 76 Athens

Τηλ.: (+30) 213 000 2400 / Fax: (+30) 210 725 0584
e-mail.: [email protected]

The Emergence of a Warlike Elite at Mitrou, East Lokris

October 10, 2013

“The Emergence of a Warlike Elite at Mitrou, East Lokris, in the Prepalatial Bronze Age”

Speaker: Aleydis Van de Moortel, NEH Fellow, ASCSA; Associate Professor of Classics, University of Tennessee

Fieldwork at Mitrou by the University of Tennessee and ΙΔ’ EΠΚΑ produced a uniquely rich data set for studying the rise of an elite in LBA central Greece. Early in LH I Mitrou’s elite manifested itself through the construction of large building complexes and elite tombs as well as a reorganization of the settlement and burial practices. Access to far-flung exchange networks provided it with high-status goods and chariot technology. However, its strategies for projecting and legitimizing power had a local, central Greek character, and owed little to the southern Aegean. From LH IIA onwards, Mitrou’s elite became increasingly Mycenaeanized, and appears to have done so voluntarily.