22 May 2014 Start
22 May 2014 End
5.30 p.m. Time
Greece ASCSA, Mandylas rare book reading room, Gennadius Library, Souidias 61, 106 76 Athens

Τηλ.: 210-72.10.536 (ext. 101)
e-mail.: [email protected]

Elegy 1.6 of Ovid’s Amores

May 22, 2014

Dr. Vasileios Pappas will give a lecture about the Elegy 1.6 of Ovid’s Amores entitled “‘Έρωτας’ μετ’ εμποδίων: η ελεγεία 1.6 των Amores του Οβιδίου.”

Vasileios Pappas received his PhD in Latin Philology in 2010, from Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Greece, School of Philosophy, Department of Philology, sector of Classics. Dr Pappas’s PhD Thesis is entitled: The Latin knowledge of Demetrius Daniel Philipides († 1832): the translations of Trogus and Florus (Grade “Excellent”, Supervisor: Professor D. Nikitas). His M.A. Thesis from the same University is entitled The Epistolae et Orationes contra Turcos of Cardinal Vessarion, (Grade “Excellent” (10), Supervisor: Professor D. Nikitas). His Bachelor is in Classical Philology from the same University. In the current time Dr Pappas conducts scientific postdoctoral research for the evolution of paraclaustithyron in Latin love elegy at Ionian University, Department of History (Supervisor: Ass. Professor V. Vaiopoulos). He has published his papers in Greek and international journals and he has participated in Greek and International Conferences. His scientific interests lie at Latin love elegy, post-byzantine Latinitas οf Greeks scholars, neo-Latin poetry and lexicography.

The presentation will be in Greek.