Archaeologists “In the Throne Room”

Archaeologists “In the Throne Room”

A story in the name of those now perishing because of settlers who became invaders, and with the whole world watching.
Archaeology Between the “State” and the “Private”

Archaeology Between the “State” and the “Private”

Archaeology in Greece faces new challenges as legal reforms favor an emerging culture of benefactors which is evidently linked with various forms of heritage malpractice.
“Greece, Aryan or Mediterranean?”: Martin Bernal Revisited

“Greece, Aryan or Mediterranean?”: Martin Bernal Revisited

Zeta Xekalaki revisited a 1988 article where Black Athena's author underlined his basic theses. How relevant does it sound today?
Greekness and Otherness: beyond the stereotype

Greekness and Otherness: beyond the stereotype

The book questions the reliability of the Greek-barbarian polarity.
Antiquities of Qantir: exhibition on Ramesses II’s capital started in Cairo

Antiquities of Qantir: exhibition on Ramesses II’s capital started in Cairo

The ancient city of Piramesse, founded by Ramesses II to be his capital, is currently excavated in Qantir and the finds are amazing.
In Memory of Demetrios Pandermalis and his work in Dion

In Memory of Demetrios Pandermalis and his work in Dion

Wolfram Hoepfner writes about Demetrios Pandermalis and his work in Dion.
The Thread to the Needle: How our Ancestors Used the Native Flora

The Thread to the Needle: How our Ancestors Used the Native Flora

Under the aegis of the University of Oslo, an international research team has extracted and analyzed plant DNA from the sediments of the Armenian “Aghitu-3” cave.
Considerations concerning a recent article on a signed base on Delos

Considerations concerning a recent article on a signed base on Delos

Considerations on F. Queyrel's article “D’une statue disparue de Praxitèle à une divinité mystérieuse dans la maison del’Hermès à Délos”.
Athens and the Acropolis in the throes of the Greek Revolution of 1821

Athens and the Acropolis in the throes of the Greek Revolution of 1821

The vicissitudes of Athens and the Acropolis during the 1821 Revolution are a representative summary of every aspect of the Greek War of Independence
The church of Elijah the Prophet in Thessaloniki

The church of Elijah the Prophet in Thessaloniki

When talking about the space and ambience of a Byzantine church, it is essential that we take into consideration the lighting.
Rapid Reaction Mechanism for the protection of cultural heritage in crisis situations

Rapid Reaction Mechanism for the protection of cultural heritage in crisis situations

The purpose of the article is to highlight specific political, legal and organizational aspects of the consultation, reflecting both UNESCO’s objectives as well as the national aspirations of its members, for a subject whose nature is not only “for culture” but also for "international security”.
The Spinalonga blues

The Spinalonga blues

Spinalonga is much more than the leper colony; its historic palimpsest now being one of the major advantages on the road to inscription on the World Heritage List.
Digital Archaeology? Greece on Focus

Digital Archaeology? Greece on Focus

Α survey of digital tools and methods used so far in order to catalogue and to open up Hellenic artefacts for researchers and citizens alike.
The New Archaeological Museum of Thebes

The New Archaeological Museum of Thebes

The Thebes museum now constitutes the main cultural hub of the town and a significant tourist attraction, playing an important role in the growth both of Thebes and the whole of Boeotia.
Interpreting cultural heritage through the use of smart phones

Interpreting cultural heritage through the use of smart phones

The applications presented in this article demonstrate the potential as well as the possibilities of digitally interpretating a culture to which we will be constantly "connected".
The feast of Saint Andrew and customs of his popular cult

The feast of Saint Andrew and customs of his popular cult

The popular cult of St. Andrew includes beliefs, fears, hopes and perceptions, customs and habits of a magical, superstitious character.
The destruction of cultural heritage by ISIS as a threat to security

The destruction of cultural heritage by ISIS as a threat to security

ISIS systematically destroys monuments in Syria and Iraq, continuing the practice of the Taliban who, in 2001, blew up the Buddha statues in the Bamiyan valley, Afghanistan.
A historic monument waits to be rescued and restored

A historic monument waits to be rescued and restored

The ruined historic building of the Primary School of the Kato Ambelokipi settlement, in the Municipality of Pylos-Nestoras, which was the headquarters of the Greek resistance in Southern Messenia, between 1941 and 1944.
“The artist’s family or an Allegory of the Fine and Liberal Arts” by Nikolaos Kounelakis

“The artist’s family or an Allegory of the Fine and Liberal Arts” by Nikolaos Kounelakis

An interpretive approach to the painting by Nikolaos Kounelakis “The artist’s family or an Allegory of the Fine and Liberal Arts”.
The “Kouloura” in “Maison Epsilon” at Malia

The “Kouloura” in “Maison Epsilon” at Malia

In an effort to interpret these enigmatic constructions while researching them, archaeologists have, for over a century, consumed themselves in recycling the function of “Kouloures”, both as a daily practice and a religious ritual.
Getting acquainted with the antiquities of Peparethos through a treasure hunt

Getting acquainted with the antiquities of Peparethos through a treasure hunt

A treasure hunt realized in a Lyceum of Skopelos, aiming to acquaint the students with the island’s antiquities, proved to be both an effective and amusing tool for experiential learning.
The architectural imprint left by the Franciscans on Tinos

The architectural imprint left by the Franciscans on Tinos

The present article attempts to explore and interpret the distinctive features of two Franciscan monasteries in Tinos, which form two more unknown precious stones in the island’s extremely rich and largely unexplored cultural mosaic.
Public sculpture that illustrates a colonial regime

Public sculpture that illustrates a colonial regime

Reflexions on the relationship between art and its political context, the history of a piece of sculpture in a public space.
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