29 August 2015 Start
29 August 2015 End
8:30-11.30 p.m. Time
Greece Acropolis Museum, 15 Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, Athens 11742

Τηλ.: +30 210 9000900

Full Moon Tango at the Acropolis Museum

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Acropolis Museum will celebrate August Full Moon on Saturday 29 August 2015 with the music and dance event ‘Tango Acropolis’. From 8:30 p.m. until 11:30 p.m., the Museum’s entrance courtyard will turn into a dance floor where world-renowned artists will first present tango choreographies and then the public will have the opportunity to dance with music by the orchestra of the famous composer Marios Strofalis. This event is held under the aegis of the Embassy of Argentina, in collaboration with the Acropolis Museum and entry will be free.

On this day, the Museum will remain open from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight (free entry from 8 p.m. onwards) and visitors will be able to enjoy the permanent exhibition areas but also the temporary exhibition ‘Samothrace. The Mysteries of the Great Gods’. The restaurant of the second floor will be open during the same hours (telephone reservations on +30 210 9000915).