The International Research Group “Zoomathia – Cultural Transmission of the Zoological Knowledge” (CNRS) is pleased to announce the international conference “Towards multidisciplinary research projects on animals in Ancient and Medieval cultures and societies. Topics and methodological issues” which is to be held in Sienna, Italy. Conference languages: English, French, Italian.
Friday October 28
9.30-10.00 Cristiana Franco (Univ. per Stranieri, Siena):
Interdisciplinarity and research projects in natureculture, ecohistory, ecocriticism and history of zoological knowledge
10.00-11.00 Invited Speaker – Stefano Gensini (Univ. La Sapienza, Roma):
The case of animal communication: Sextus Empiricus, Montaigne and professor Davidson
11.00-11.30 Marco Masseti (Laboratori di Antropologia ed Etnologia, Univ Firenze):
Significati e limiti delle descrizioni zoologiche nelle produzioni letterarie ed artistiche
11.30-12.00 Isabelle Draelants (IRHT-Paris) – Pierre Klein:
Aristote, Pline et Albert le Grand entomologistes ? Identifier chenilles, papillons, vers à soie et libellules parmi les ‘vermes’
12.00-12.30 Thierry Buquet (CNRS-Craham-Caen) – Ludovic Dickel (GMPC-Univ. Caen):
Origines éthologiques et biologiques des propriétés légendaires des animaux
12.30 Lunch break
14.30-15.00 Jean Trinquier (ENS, PARIS) – Christophe Vendries (CREAAH-Rennes): Jeux de mots, jeux d’images : décrypter l’animal dans la Rome ancienne
15.00-15.30 Ch. Chandezon (CRISES-Univ. Montpellier) – A. Gardeisen (CNRS-Lattes): Du coq à la poule. La diffusion des galliformes en Grèce
15.30-16.00 Jacqueline Leclercq-Marx (ULB-Bruxelles) – Arnaud Zucker (CEPAM-Univ. Nice):
Les zoonymes pluriels dans la faune médiévale. Expressivité du nom et impact des images dans la genèse des monstres marins
16.00-16.30 Lisa Sannicandro – Martina Schwarzenberger (Univ. München):
La Mulomedicina di Teodorico dei Borgognoni e il suo ruolo chiave nell’ippiatria medievale: un progetto di ricerca interdisciplinare alla Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität di Monaco di Baviera
16.30 Coffee break
17.00 Irene Pajon-Leyra (CEPAM, Univ. Nice):
Données zoologiques transmises sur papyrus
17.30 Thorsten Foegen (Durham University, Universität zu Köln):
Lives in Interaction: Animal ‘Biographies’ in Greek and Latin Texts (esp. Funerary Inscriptions)?
18.00 Bruno d’Andrea (Labex Archimède, UMR 5140):
L’animale nella religione di cartagine e degli insediamenti fenici della sardegna e della sicilia (viii-ii sec. A.c.)
18.30 Discussion
* A Research Network Meeting of the “Zoomathia” team is to be held a day before the conference, October 27 , from 14.00 to 18.00