11 December 2020 Start
11 December 2020 End
18.00 (EET /GMT+2) Time
online event

Τηλ.: 2103647577 (Mo-Fri: 9.00-13.00)
e-mail.: [email protected]

Creating new objects for display: the ATOPOS RIPPING Project

Friday, December 11, 2020

From November 20 to December 11, 2020, on Fridays at 18.00 (EET /GMT+2), a series of  online conversations organised by The Hellenic Costume Society will take place.

At the In Conversation: Encounters with Curators, Researchers and Artists on Dress as an Object of Study and Display series Members of the Board of the Hellenic Costume Society converse with fashion/dress and costume researchers, curators, fashion designers and artists who have participated in projects related to exhibitions of dress. The HCS guests, from Greece and abroad, will talk about the concept and preparation of such exhibitions and/or of projects that they curated during the current times of pandemic and will share with us their experience.

In Conversation 4

Creating new objects for display: the ATOPOS RIPPING Project
with Myrsini Pichou, ATOPOS Research Advisor, the artists Vasso
Gavaisse, and Irini Miga, the fashion designer Aurore Thibout and
Christine Stevens and Alexandra Kim, Editors of Costume

The September 2020 issue of Costume, the journal of The Costume Society (UK), includes an article by Myrsini Pichou, ATOPOS Research Advisor, entitled “The ATOPOS cvc RIPPING PROJECT: A ‘New’ Life for Dress Objects?”In this project artists and fashion designers were invited to create their own works of art or garments, either inspired by specific pieces or by using duplicates of the 1960s paper dresses from the RRRIPP!! Collection. These collaborations with the different artists and fashion designers enabled ATOPOS cvc to investigate new ways of handling, managing and displaying its collection. This round tablewill present the ATOPOS RIPPING project, and the artists Vasso Gavaisse
and Irini Miga, along with the fashion, costume and textile designer Aurore Thibout, will discuss their experience from collaborating with ATOPOS. Christine Stevens and Alexandra Kim will also share their experience on preparing, during the time of COVID-19, the particular issue of Costume, themed around the relationship between art and dress, and specifically the ways in which artists have interacted with dress in different projects.

The In Conversation series will be held online via Zoom in English.Participation fee for each In Conversation: 5€.
Please pay the participation fee to the following account, at the latest one day before each In Conversation:

NATIONAL BANK of Greece: IBAN GR9301104270000042748015718
and send the receipt to Mrs. Roza Patsea at: [email protected].
The Zoom link will be sent to all participants with a confirmed fee payment.