Damaged Goods. Contextualising Intentional Destruction of Objects in the Bronze Age Aegean and Cyprus
This international workshop will be held at the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. It is organized by AegIS (UCL-INCAL-CEMA) and the ARC ‘A World in Crisis’.
The program will be:
J. Chapman, “Keynote address: Bits and Pieces: The Fragment as Transformation”
K. Harrell, “Traumatology in the Mycenaean Period and Early Iron Age”
S. Nanoglou, “Going the Other Way: Providing a Framework for the Destruction of Objects in the Bronze Age”
P. Tomkins, “Flattening Objects: Towards a More Fully Relational Understanding of ‘Intentional Destruction'”
M. Boyd, “Destruction and Other Material Acts of Transformation in Mycenaean Funerary Practice”
C. Knappett, “The Rough and the Smooth: Care and Carelessness in the Forgetting of Buildings”
C. Renfrew, “The Special Deposit South at Kavos on Keros: Evidence for Ritual Breakage in the Cycladic Early Bronze Age”
M. Denti, “Damaged Greek ‘Orientalising’ Goods in an Indigenous Western Mediterranean Context in the Iron Age”
M. Pantelidou Gofa, “Damaged Pottery, Damaged Skulls at the Tsepi, Marathon Cemetery”
G. Vavouranakis and C. Bourbou, “Breaking Up the Past: Patterns of Fragmentation in Early and Middle Bronze Age Tholos Tomb Contexts in Crete”
E. Margaritis, “Acts of Destruction and Acts of Preservation? Plants in the Ritual Landscape of Prehistoric Greece”