23 June 2019 Start
23 June 2019 End
12.00 Time
Greece Archaeological Museum of Delphi, Delphi

Τηλ.: 30 210 3632057

Institution of Sponsorship from Ancient to Modern Times

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Launch of the new book “Institution of Sponsorship from Ancient to Modern Times”, edited by George Kakavas and published by The Norwegian Institute at Athens.

Greetings by:

Prof. Jorunn Økland, Director of the Norwegian Institute

Dr George Kakavas, Director of the Numismatic Museum

Athanasia Psalti, Director of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Phocis

The book will be discussed by:

Dr Pantos Pantos, Director emeritus of the National Archive of Monuments at the Hellenic Ministry of Culture

Prof. Chara Konstantinidi, Byzantinologist, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens