12 September 2018 Start
13 September 2018 End
Italy Ca’ Dolfin, Calle de la Saoneria, 3829, 30125 Venezia VE


International Aerial Archaeology Conference AARG 2018


The Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) 2018 Annual Meeting will take place in Venice (Italy) from September 11th to 15th 2018, with sessions scheduled on September 12th and 13th.

The AARG meeting provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information for all those actively involved in aerial photography and remote sensing at large, photo interpretation, field archaeology and landscape history. This also includes the use of remote sensing in defining preservation policies for archaeological sites and landscapes.

The 2018 AARG meeting will focus on the following topics:

  1. Local session: aerial archaeology in Italy
  2. Coastal, shallow and lagoon water enviroments
  3. Drones: to drone or not to drone
  4. Remote sensing and Land management: field and agricultural systems
  5. Monitoring changes (looting, endangered historical heritage, enviromental changes)
  6. Aerial archaeology in collaboration – using methodological approaches from other branches of science
  7. General discussion: can we stop fly now?


Preliminary programme:

Wednesday 12th September and Thursday 13th September – Paper and Poster Sessions

  • Debate/Discussion Session; Local Session (Invited Papers)
  • Themed Sessions (Open Call for Papers)
  • Poster Session (Open Call for Posters)

Friday 14th September – Field Trips

  • Guided tour in Venice (1/2 day) and museum visit (TBA)
  • Venice lagoon and the islands (TBA)


The early bird´rate applies until 1st June 2018. Regular registration will be available from June 2nd to August 27th 2018 ONLY (cut-off date). Please note: registration will not be possible after the cut-off date.
The ‘Member’ rate applies only to persons registered as paid AARG members for the calendar year 2018. To become a member please refer to AARG website.

If you are unsure as to whether you are registered as a member you can contact the  AARG secretary.
A discounted rate is available for registered students. To register using this rate, a student identification card valid on the date of booking is required and should be emailed to the  AARG secretary.