Dr Elena Maragoudaki will introduce the topic “From the Mycenaean na-u-do-mo to the traditional shipbuilder: tracing the evidence”, in the framework of the the 6th meeting of the Mycenaean Seminar.
The lecture will be held in Greek.
The lecture traces the development of Mycenaean shipbuilding tools through time, the changes in these tools and the reasons behind these changes. The methodology that was followed for the reconstruction of the set of tools employed in shipbuilding involved the recording, examination and classification of all available archaeological and ethnoarchaeological evidence. Moreover, experimental methods, like tool reconstruction and partial hull rebuilding, proved particularly useful in the understanding of the use of individual tools (utility, functional differences). This process has revealed that the basic types of woodworking tools used in Mycenaean shipbuilding have remained unchanged through time, without any fundamental changes, while the only discernible evolution involves the raw material used for their manufacture, the manufacturing technology and socio-cultural influences.
The Organising Committee: Nagia Polychronakou-Sgouritsa, Iphiyenia Tournavitou, Emilia Banou