12 October 2021 Start
12 October 2021 End
7.00 p.m. Time
Greece Danish Institute at Athens, Chairefontos 14, Plaka

e-mail.: [email protected]

“On the Giants’ Shoulders”. The Eleusinian mysteries in the Roman period

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Swedish Institute at Athens has the pleasure to invite you to attend


“On the Giants’ Shoulders”. The Eleusinian mysteries in the Roman period, between historiography, literary traditions and epigraphy

by Nicole Belayche, Directeure d’études (Pr.) émérite, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris.

Limited live attendance in accordance with the current health safety measures, and zoom participation.

To register for both please contact [email protected].

Lectures in ancient Greek religion in memory of Martin P. Nilsson are organized biannually at the Swedish Institute.

Mar­tin Pers­son Nils­son (1874–1967) was a Swedish philol­o­gist, and a scholar of the Greek and Ro­man re­li­gious sys­tems. In his pro­lific stud­ies, he com­bined the lit­er­ary ev­i­dence with the ar­chae­o­log­i­cal ev­i­dence, link­ing his­toric and pre­his­toric ev­i­dence for the evo­lu­tion of the Greek mytho­log­i­cal cy­cles. In 1909 he was ap­pointed the first Pro­fes­sor of An­cient Greek, Clas­si­cal Ar­chae­ol­ogy and An­cient His­tory at Lund Uni­ver­sity.

Nils­son is per­haps the most in­flu­en­tial Swedish clas­si­cist of all times. His best-known work in Ger­man is Geschichte der griechis­chen Re­li­gion in the Hand­buch der Al­ter­tum­swis­senschaft. He had pre­vi­ously pub­lished it un­der the ti­tle Den grekiska re­li­gio­nens his­to­ria (1922). His best-known work in Eng­lish is Mi­noan-Myce­naean re­li­gion, and its sur­vival in Greek re­li­gion.

Lec­tures in an­cient Greek re­li­gion in mem­ory of Mar­tin P. Nils­son are or­ga­nized bian­nu­ally at the Swedish In­sti­tute.