21 September 2016 Start
21 September 2016 End
6.00 p.m. Time
Egypt ARCE, 2 Midan Simón Bolívar, Garden City, Cairo 11461

Τηλ.: 20 2 2794 8239
e-mail.: [email protected]

Recent excavations in the Temple of Heliopolis

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Cairo Lecture: Recent excavations in the Temple of Heliopolis


Dr. Aiman Ashmawy, Director General of Excavations Department, Ministry of Antiquities

Dr. Dietrich Raue, Curator of the George Steindorff Egyptian Museum, University of Leipzig

Program begins at 6:00pm at ARCE.

Refreshments will be provided following the event.

Everyone is welcome to the ARCE programs.

Doors will be closed at 6:15pm.