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30 November 2012 Start
1 December 2012 End
Greece British School at Athens (Upper House), 52 Souedias, 10676, Athens

Τηλ.: +(30)2111022800
e-mail.: [email protected]

Sanctuaries and Cults in ancient Thessaly

30 November-1 December 2012

Sanctuaries and Cults in ancient Thessaly

In recent years, new fieldwork and the study of old excavations and archival material have created a much sharper and more detailed picture of ancient Thessaly and its neighbours. Religion and cult practice is one area where discoveries have proved particularly interesting . Rescue excavations over the last twenty years have revealed important new cult places, and recent scholarship on the rich epigraphic record has also provided new information about cults and sanctuaries in the region. This conference presents an up-to-date overview of our knowledge of cults, sanctuaries and ritual in Thessaly in the first millennium BC, and invites broader comparison with evidence from neighbouring regions and other Greek communities.

Organizers: British School at Athens, Oxford University

Sanctuaries and Cults in ancient Thessaly_Programme