8 April 2024 Start
8 April 2024 End
7.00 pm Time
Greece The Norwegian Institute at Athens, Tsami Karatasou 5, 11742, Athens / virtual

e-mail.:  [email protected]

Seeking meaning in historical time

April 8, 2024

A NIA-logue by Prof. Emeritus Maria Efthymiou (National and Kapodistrian University, Athens) and Prof. Apostolos Spanos (University of Agder) co-organised by the University of Agder (UiA) and the Norwegian Institute at Athens, will take place on April 8, 2024.

Title: Αναζητώντας νόημα στον ιστορικό χρόνοΔύο ιστορικοί συνομιλούν [Seeking meaning in historical time. Two historians in dialogue].

The lecture will be delivered in Greek.

Venue: The Norwegian Institute at Athens, Tsami Karatasou 5, 11742, at 7.00 pm.

Registration is required both for in-person and virtual attendance.

Register for in-person attendance by emailing: [email protected]

Register for virtual attendance: