16 May 2016 Start
16 May 2016 End
7.00 p.m. Time
Greece Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, Athens

Τηλ.: +30-210 92 32 102
e-mail.: [email protected]

From temple to terrace, activities in extra-temenal areas

Monday, May 16, 2016

Archaeologists have long been investigating sanctuaries in the countryside, commonly known as extraurban sanctuaries. Research has predominantly been focused on, festivals, cult, ritual, and monumental architecture, things inside of the temenos that is. In his research towards a PhD Axel Frejman (Uppsala University) investigates remains and possible activities outside the temenos of large sanctuaries in the countryside.

The seminar to be given by Axel Frejman at the Swedish Institute of Athens, is entitled “From temple to terrace, activities in extra-temenal areas”.

Driving questions, according to Frejman, are if we can find remains outside temene, if so what kind of activities these remains indicate, and how the inclusion of extra-temenal activities changes our understanding of the sanctuaries?

During the seminar Frejman will present this work in progress based on the four sites that he has so far had a chance to study more closely, namely Nemea, Isthmia, Perachora, and the site where he has been conducting fieldwork for the last two years, Labraunda.