14 May 2014 Start
14 May 2014 End
6.00 p.m. Time
Greece Lecture hall of the German Archaeolocial Institute (Fidiou 1, second floor), Athens

e-mail.: [email protected]

The middle archaic Τemple at Çatallar Tepe

Wednesday, 14th of May, 2014

The speaker of the next lecture in the context of the Aigeiros lecture series will be Frank Hulek from the University of Bochum. The title of his paper is: “The middle archaic Τemple at Çatallar Tepe (Turkey). New results concerning archaic ionian architecture.”

Alexander Herda from the Humboldt-University Berlin – University of Athens and Nils Hellner from the German Archaeological Institute Athens will be commenting and discussing afterwards.

The lecture will be held in German.