The 16th Annual Graduate Student Conference in Classics
Every year, students from the Classics MA/PhD program at the CUNY Graduate Center organize and run a one-day conference featuring panels of graduate students presenting current research in classics along with a keynote speaker.
Weaving Words, Sculpting Sentiments: Manipulating Emotions in Public Spaces of the Ancient Mediterranean, is taking place on Friday, April 5 2024, in hybrid format (in-person and virtual/Zoom).
Register here (in-person or virtual/Zoom):
Keynote Speaker: David Konstan (NYU) – Revenge, Retribution, and Reconciliation
Location: The Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave, New York, NY – Segal Theater, 1st Floor
9:00 – 9:30 am. Welcome and Introduction
9:30 – 11:30 am. Panel 1 – Effecting Emotions Through Religion
1. Tikva Blaukopf Schein (Bar-Ilan Univ., Shalem College) – Hannibal and R’Akiva: Laughter in the Face of Defeat
2. Judith Hendriksma (Univ. of Oslo) – Immortal Suffering, Mortal Sympathy: The Poet, the Audience and Emotion in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter
3. Gabriela Canazart (Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil and Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland) – Divine Pity in the Iliad: Guiding Audience Emotions through Gods’
Spectatorial Role
4. Leah Wild (Univ. of Cambridge) – Minute Manipulations: Cute Affect and the Power of Tiny Objects at the Sanctuary of Demeter at Bitalemi, Sicily
11:30 – 1:00 pm. Lunch Break – 5th Floor Room # 5414
1:00 – 2:30 pm. Panel 2 – Emotional Manipulation Through Material Culture
1. Diego Suárez Martinez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) – It’s Either Me or No One: Augustus and the Manipulation of Emotions in the Forum through the Spolia Opima
2. Julius Arnold (Univ. of Colorado) – Gone, but (Not) Forgotten: Rome’s Role in Remembering the Antigonids
3. Stephanie Polos (Univ. of Virginia) – Emotional Support Animals: Pets and Death on Classical Grave Stelai
2:30 – 3:00 pm. Coffee Break
3:00 – 4:30 pm. Panel 3 – Managing Emotions Through Authoritarian Control
1. Jared Kerr (San Diego State Univ.) – Silver Spears: Philip II of Macedon, the Amphictyonic League, and the Fall of Greece
2. Giovanni Lovisetto (Columbia Univ.) – How to Bind Your Audience: Images of Constrained Bodies in Athenian Drama and Oratory
3. Mamie Murphy (John Cabot Univ.) – Not Set in Stone: Tiberius and the Temple of Concord
5:00 – 6:00 pm. Keynote
David Konstan (NYU) – Revenge, Retribution, and Reconciliation