5.00 p.m. Time
Greece Parthenonos 14, 117 42 Athens

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Work of the Italian Archaeological School at Athens

May 31st, 2012

The Work of the Italian Archaeological School at Athens in 2011 will be presented on Thursday, May 31st by professor Emanuele Greco (Director of the School). The presentation will be followed by a discussion (in Italian) on the subject «La tutela dei monumenti archeologici al tempo della crisi: I casi di Pompei ed Ercolano» (The protection of archaeological monuments in times of economic crisis: the cases of Pompeii and Herculaneum).


Luigi Malnati (General Director of the Archaeology Department of MIBAC, Italian Ministry of Culture): Introduzione (Introduction)

Teresa E. Cinquantaquatro (Archaeological Superintendent for Naples and Pompeii)

Fabrizio Pesando (Professor at University of Naples “L’ Orientale” ): Lavori in corso a Pompei (Works in progress at Pompeii)

Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, Scientific Director of Herculaneum Conservation Project): L’esperienza di Ercolano (The experience of Herculaneum)