4 April 2013 Start
4 April 2013 End
7.00 p.m. Time
Greece Istituto Italiano di Cultura (Auditorium), Patission str. 47, Athens

Τηλ.: +30 210 5242646, fax: +30 210 5242714
e-mail.: [email protected]

Disattributing an early XVIIIth Century Text

Wednesday, April 4, 2013

“Disattributing an early XVIIIth Century Text. A Reflection on Disprovals, and their implications”

Lecture given by Professor Carlo Ginzburg, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute in Athens, the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration of the National and Kapodistrian University at Athens and the Society for the Study of Human Sciences – Athens.

This is the first of a series of lectures, organized by the Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the National and Kapodistrian University at Athens and the Society for the Study of Human Sciences – Athens, titled “Philosophy of Social Science Lectures.”

Professor Carlo Ginzburg (Turin, 1939), is one of the best known historians of our times, was educated at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and has taught at the Universities of Pisa, Bologna and Los Angeles. The founder of micro-history, he is celebrated for his methodologically innovative explorations into mentalities, art-history, literature and social history. His most internationally celebrated book, The Cheese and the Worms (English translation: 1980) is an acknowledged classic.

The lecture will be given in english.