7 November 2012 Start
11 November 2012 End
Greece Apostolopouleio Cultural Centre, Tripoli

Τηλ.: 2710 225243 (38th EPCA)
e-mail.: [email protected]

The Archaeological Work in Peloponnese (1st AEPEL)

7-11 November 2012

The Archaeological Institute of Peloponnesian Studies, the 4th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, the 38th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, the 6th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, the 25th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities and the Epigraphical Museum of Athens, in cooperation with the University of the Peloponnese organize the International Conference “The Archaeological Work in Peloponnese”.

With the support of the Periphery of Peloponnese, The Municipality of Tripolis and the Legal Entity of Public Law of the Municipality of Tripolis

Please note that most sessions will be held in Greek language