4 September 2017 Start
8 September 2017 End
Denmark Tivoli Congress Center & Hotel, Arni Magnussons Gade 2, 1577 Copenhagen V


18th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference

September 4-8, 2017

The 18th Triennial Conference will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark from
4-8 September 2017.

The Conference theme is “Linking Past and Future”.

In close collaboration with the ICOM-CC Directory Board, the Danish National Organizing Committee and its Danish partners will develop an appealing plenary programme as well as a full social programme.

The 18th triennial Conference of the International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC) will present 150 peer-reviewed papers and 100 posters in 21 working groups and international keynote speakers. The conference will offer visits to conservation workshops and invite to receptions and social events during the week for networking. The conference Organizing Committee hopes to see more than 800 delegates, including conservators, scientists, historians and art historians, curators, librarians, archivists, students, collection managers and directors from the world’s leading cultural institutions and the private sector.