29 January 2018 Start
29 January 2018 End
7.00 p.m. Time
Greece Director’s residence, British School at Athens, Entrance from 52 Souedias, Athens

Τηλ.: 211 1022 800
e-mail.: [email protected]

The faces of the Parthenon stones

Monday, January 29, 2018

Dr Vassileia Manidaki (Acropolis Restoration Service) will introduce the topic: “Τα Πρόσωπα των Λίθων-Νεώτερη ‘Ερευνα για τους Αποτετμημένους Λίθους της Παρθενώνειας Ζωφόρου” [The faces of the stones – Modern Research about the Flaked Stones of the Parthenon Frieze].

Upper House Seminar