14 October 2016 Start
15 October 2016 End
Greece Achillion Palace, 27 K. Giamboudaki Str., Rethymnon

e-mail.: [email protected] (Stelios Panayotakis)

8th Rethymnon International Conference on the Ancient Novel

14-15 October 2016

The University of Crete / Department of Philology organizes the 8th Rethymnon International Conference on the Ancient Novel, entitled “Material Culture and the Ancient Novel”.

Friday 14 October, 10:00 a.m.

Welcome speeches

Chair: Ewen Bowie

Michael Paschalis (Crete)

“Funerals, burials and tombs in Chariton’s Callirhoe and elsewhere”

Anna Lefteratou (Heidelberg)

“Chariton’s Callirhoe abed: from Pompeian frescoes to Roman kline sarcophagi?”

Chair: Nicolò D’Alconzo

Ian Repath (Swansea)

“The later Greek novelists: Art imitating art imitating art imitating art …”

Valentin Decloquement (Lille)

“From writing to painting. Rhetorical and pictorial τόποι in Philostratos’ and Heliodorus’ portrayals of Achilles”

Friday 14 October, 5:30 p.m.

Chair: Stephen Trzaskoma

Daniel Jolowicz (Cambridge)

“Roman monumentalism in Chariton of Aphrodisias”

Giuseppe Zanetto (Milan)

“Visualizing the house: Domestic space in Achilles Tatius”

Chair: John Morgan

Cecilia Nobili (Milan)

“The sanctuary of Delphi in Heliodorus’ Aethiopica between material culture and intertextuality”

Emily M. Rush (Miami University of Ohio)

“Heliodorus’ Lithopoetics: Ekphrastic description and precious stones in Aethiopika”


Saturday 15 October, 09:00 a.m.

Chair: Dimos Spatharas

Magdaleine Clo (Grenoble)

“Do clothes make the man? To dress and to undress in Petronius”

Regine May (Leeds)

“The staging of Lucius: Isis priests and the importance of props”

Chair: Athina Kavoulaki

Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis (Oxford)

“Embodied engagements with real, literary and visual votives”

Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser (Göttingen)

“How to handle a goddess: worshipped and violated cult images in Apuleius’ Meta¬mor-phoses”


Saturday 15 October,  6:00 p.m.

Chair: Stelios Panayotakis

Leonardo Costantini (Leeds)

“The real tools of magic: Pamphile’s macabre paraphernalia in Apuleius’ Met. 3.17.4-5”

Christa Gray (Reading)

“Out of this world: paradoxes of holy behaviour in Jerome’s Life of Hilarion”

Chair: Karen Ni-Mheallaigh

Helena Schmedt (Frankfurt)

“It’s all about beans: Material objects in Antonius Diogenes’ passages On Pythagoras”

Ken Dowden (Birmingham)

“Tableware. Feasting and its accoutrements in the novel”