23 October 2012 Start
23 October 2012 End
17.00-19.00 Time
Germany “Gartensaal” (Wiegand House), Peter-Lenné-Straße 28, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem


A View on Digital Classics Collaboration

23 October 2012

Keynote lecture: “A View on Digital Classics Collaboration: from a cacophony of epigraphic databases to a citizens’ web of inscriptions”

TOPOI announce the launch of a Digital Classicist seminar series in Berlin, inspired by a sister initiative established in 2006 in London, and in association with the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) and the Excellence Cluster TOPOI.

The keynote lecture will be held by Dr. Gabriel Bodard (King’s College London) at the “Gartensaal” (Wiegand House), Peter-Lenné-Straße 28, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem.

For further information on the seminar series visit