31 May 2021 Start
31 May 2021 End
zoom conference

e-mail.: [email protected]

Advanced characterization by neutron techniques in Cultural Heritage

Τhe Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy, based in Ancona (Italy), in collaboration with the University of Ioannina and the Rogante Engineering Office, is organizing an interesting conference on the topic: Advanced characterization by neutron techniques in the field of Cultural Heritage.

The meeting will take place on Monday, May 31st at 7 pm (Greek time), online via Zoom platform (ID: 87374978968).

The speaker, Dr. Ing Massimo Rogante, Director of the Rogante Engineering Office, will show some of his case studies, with particular regard to the archaeo-metallurgical investigation of the Adriatic necropoles finds and the advanced analysis of other objects from the Cultural Heritage. Through these examples, Dr. Eng. Rogante will present his extremely innovative and efficient use of neutron techniques for the characterization of archaeological finds: from analyzing the materials composition to identifying the manufacturing process, and eventually dating the archaeological find. The progress of the research performed by the Rogante Engineering Office is allowing archaeologists and historians to gather interesting and original features related to the reality of the past, with real inestimable scientific effects.

This conference will be an important event that, we are sure, will offer useful suggestions and an opportunity not to be missed for the museum (art gallery) you manage.

Besides Dr Rogante, Dr. Varvara Papadopoulou, Director of the Ephorate of Antiquites of Arta and acting Director of the Ephorate of Antiquites of Ioannina and Dr. Georgios Zachos, Director, University of Ioannina Library, will attend the meeting and will have an introduction.

Konstantina Zidrou, archaeologist and PhD Candidate at the University of Ioannina, will introduce the subject of the meeting, while the moderator will be Eng. Viviana Koudounas, member of the Scientific Committee of the HICD of Ancona.

To attend click here

ID: 873 7497 8968

Passcode: 148516