27 September 2019 Start
27 September 2019 End
19:00 Time
UK Hellenic Centre, 16-19 Paddington St., Marylebone, London, W1U 5AS

e-mail.: [email protected] (please RSVP)

Aspects and Visions of Greece in European Travellers’ Imagery from the Renaissance onwards

Friday, 27 September 2019

The Board of Directors of the Panayotis & Effie Michelis Foundation invites all to a discussion about its newly published book:

Greece in European Travellers’ Imagery (15th-19th centuries): Identities, alterities, metamorphoses

by Dr Aphrodite Kouria

Keynote speakers:

Professor Betanny Hughes, Historian, author and broadcaster

Dr Theodoros Koutsogiannis, Curator, Hellenic Parliament Art Collection

Dr Aphrodite Kouria, Art historian