5 February 2021 Start
5 February 2021 End
15:30 CET Time

Astra in Chartis

Friday, February 5, 2021

The webinar “Astra in Chartis. Astronomical and Astrological Papyri from Graeco-Roman Arsinoites”, is organized in the frame of the PRIN project “Greek and Latin Literary Papyri from Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Fayum: Texts, Contexts, Readers”.

It will take place on Friday 5th, at 15:30 CET.

To join the session use the following link:

(please, start connecting 15 minutes before the scheduled time).


Alexander Jones – Marco Perale, “Some Tebtynis Astronomical Papyri and an Elaborate Horoscope with Personal Forecasts”;

Martina Savio, “La mappa delle stelle ‘strumento di vita pratica’: P.Aberd. 12 e P.Aberd. 127 e la divulgazione astronomica”;

N. Reggiani, “Medicina e astrologia: PSI inv. 702 e altri manuali di iatromathematike”.