23 January 2014 Start
23 January 2014 End
7:00 p.m. Time
Greece ASCSA, Cotsen Hall, 9 Anapiron Polemou, 106 76 Athens

Τηλ.: (+30) 213 000 2400 / Fax: (+30) 210 725 0584
e-mail.: [email protected]

Bouphonia: Killing Cattle on the Acropolis

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Jeremy McInerney (Whitehead Professor, ASCSA; Davidson Kennedy Professor, University of Pennsylvania) will give a lecture entitled “Bouphonia: Killing Cattle on the Acropolis.”

In ancient Greece, the Buphonia (“ox-slayings”) denoted a sacrificial ceremony performed at Athens as part of the Dipolieia, a religious festival held on the 14th of the midsummer month Skirophorion— in June or July— at the Acropolis.