3 November 2014 Start
3 November 2014 End
7.00 p.m. Time
Greece Museum of Cycladic Art, 4, Neophytou Douka str., Athens

Τηλ.: (+30) 210 7228321-3 Fax: (+30) 210 7239382
e-mail.: [email protected]

Central Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age: The new excavations at Agios Sozomenos

Monday, November 3, 2014

Dr Despina Pilides (Curator of Antiquities – Acting Director, Department of Antiquities Cyprus) will give a lecture about the new excavations at Agios Sozomenos, as part of the Cyprus Seminar series, which is organised by the Museum of Cycladic Arts, Athens.

Discussant will be Professor A. Bernard Knapp. The seminar will be in Greek.

After the positive response to the lecture of the period 2013-14, the MCA is continuing the series of public talks titled “Cyprus Seminar: Recent developments in the archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean” in the period 2014-15. The seminar will take place on the first Monday of each month in the lecture room of the museum (5th floor, 4 Neophytou Douka Street), and will include presentations of recent excavation projects and new synthetic approaches. The lectures will be in Greek, unless otherwise state. They will be 45’ long starting at 19.00. The presentation will be followed by a brief response by an expert on the subject, and general discussion.