25 February 2021 Start
26 November 2020 End
10.00 am, Italy time Time
Italy Online / Zoom

e-mail.: [email protected]

Cicero Digitalis

25 - 26 February 2021

Cicero Digitalis; Cicero and Roman Thought in The Age of Digital Humanities is the subject of the conference scheduled to be held online, 25th – 26th February 2021.

The conference is organized by The Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron (SIAC), with support from the departments of Studi Umanistici of Università di Torino and Università del Piemonte Orientale et l’ ERIAC (Équipe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Aires Culturelles – Université de Rouen-Normandie). The organizers are Alice Borgna (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Mélanie Lucciano (Université de Rouen Normandie)
and Ermanno Malaspina (Università di Torino).

Upcoming lectures cover topics such as:
– ideas for research projects (ongoing or completed) conducted via digital methods or tools
– digital-oriented didactic strategies
– digital editions
– thoughts on how the use of digital methods or tools may impact the study of Cicero and Roman thought.

The lectures are held in Italian, English, and French.


For the ZOOM DIRECT LINK click here

MEETING ID:  834 6265 6025
PASSCODE:  964988

For LIVE STREAMING click here



25th February 2021

h. 10.00 Greetings and Opening Remarks

1st session: Methodology
Chair: Raffaella Tabacco (Università del Piemonte Orientale)

10.30 Fernanda Maffei (Università dell’Aquila): Digitalizzare i papiri di Cicerone: prospettive di lavoro
11.00 Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC) – Amedeo A. Raschieri (Università di Torino): Cicerone incontra Euporia
11.30 [short paper] Stefano Rozzi (Università di Torino): L’ecdotica e il foglio di calcolo. Un amore possibile?
11.45 debate

12.00 Keynote speaker: Roberto Rosselli del Turco (Università di Torino): Nuove prospettive per la filologia digitale: la sfida delle edizioni distribuite

2nd session: Language Models and Stichometry
Chair: Ermanno Malaspina (Università di Torino)

15.00 Todd Cook (CLTK contributor): WWCW: What Would Cicero Write?
15.30 Justin Stover (University of Edinburgh): The Ciceronian book and its influence: a statistical approach
16.15 [short paper] Selene I.S. Brumana (Université de Rouen Normandie – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore): Osservazioni sul lessico della causalità nel Timeo di Cicerone
16.30 debate

3rd session: Case studies
Chair: Mélanie Lucciano (Université de Rouen Normandie)

17.00 Rosamaria Pau (Università di Cagliari): Potenzialità metodologiche dell’analisi di alcuni exempla prosodici di imitatio a Cicerone nel retore tardoantico Favonio Eulogio
17.30 Eva Menga (Università di Torino): Per un’edizione digitale del De natura deorum
18.00 debate

18.30 Keynote speaker: Clara Auvray-Assayas (Université de Rouen Normandie)
Les éditions numériques des textes de Cicéron. Enjeux philosophiques et philologiques; deux exemples: la nouvelle édition du De natura deorum ( et le projet e-Cicero pour l’édition du Timaeus

26th February 2021

4th session: Focus on The Letters
Chair: Alice Borgna (Università del Piemonte Orientale)

h. 10.00 Olivia Elder (University of Cambridge): Ciceronian Code: digital approaches to Cicero’s epistolary code-switching
h. 10.30 Marijke Crab (KU Leuven) Cicero, Man of Letters. The Reception of Cicero’s Epistles in the Renaissance (1470-1600)
h. 11.00 debate

h. 11.30 Keynote speaker: Michael Hillen (Thesaurus Linguae Latinae):
Quousque tandem …? From the birth of ThLL-Zettelarchiv to a digital workflow, by the example of Cicero.


5th session: Cicero in the (digital?) Classroom
Chair: Andrea Balbo (Università di Torino)

15.00 Lidewij W. van Gils (University of Amsterdam) – Christoph Pieper (Leiden University), Creating an online commentary on the Pro S. Roscio Amerino
15.30 Micah Y. Myers (Kenyon College – USA): Mapping Cicero’s Letters: Digital Visualizations in the Classics Classroom
15.45 [short paper] Alessandro Iannella – Marco Ricucci (Università di Milano), Uscire dal labirinto multimediale: una proposta per la didattica del latino
16.00 debate

h. 16.30: Keynote speaker: Maurizio Lana (Università del Piemonte Orientale): “Digital humanities – o semplicemente humanities?”

h. 17.00: SIAC Prize Winner Announcement and Closing Remarks

Proceedings of the conference will be published by the end of 2021 on a dedicated issue of COL – Ciceroniana online.