22 September 2014 Start
22 September 2014 End
6.00 p.m. Time
Egypt German Archaeological Institute Cairo, 31, Sh. Abu el-Feda, Cairo-Zamalek

Τηλ.: Tel: +20 (0)2 2735-1460, +20 (0)2 2735-2321. Fax : +20 (0)2 2737-0770
e-mail.: [email protected]

Dating by events

Monday, 22 September 2014

“Dating by events – The use of year-names during the Early Dynastic Period”

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Günter Dreyer organized by the German Archaeological Institute Cairo (DAI).

Günter Dreyer has been director of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo from 1998 until 2008, after having been deputy director of the department and head of the Abydos excavation project since 1989 already. His detailed studies at this frequently excavated site brought new and never expected light to the history of the early years of the formation of the Egyptian State.

Subsequent to the lecture a reception/summer celebration will follow in the gardens of the German Archaeological Institute.