Fondazione Paestum organizing a conference on modality of “Annual Review of studies, research and news of discoveries”. The Convention will be divided into two parts, the first thematic entitled “Grandi Storie in Archeologia”, the second in the form of dialogue and exposition. The theme of the first Convention will always be on some of the most important themes of our epoch; for this reason the title of first edition (in Paestum from 7 to 9 September 2016) will be “Il Mediterraneo Antico tra Conflitti e Integrazioni (the ancient Mediterranean between conflict and integration) with specialist reports on the Mediterranean sites particularly instructive in this regard. The dialogues and exposition, part two, will be animated by archaeologists working in Magna Grecia and in the general context of the ancient Mediterranean in order to promote an intensive exchange and circulation of information between researchers.
The themes of dialogues and exposition are:
– Urban Settlements and Territory – Contexts, Production, Circulation, Artistic Forms – Restoration, Enhancement