The Dipartimento SARAS at Sapienza Università di Roma will host a series of seminars on ancient economies. In each seminar, an economist and a scholar of antiquity will engage in dialogue on a specific aspect of ancient economies.
The first panel on Macroeconomics, where Marco Veronese Passarella, Associate Professor of Economics at Università degli Studi dell’Aquila and Senior Research Fellow in Economics at University of Leeds, will be in discussion with Prof. David Alan Warburton, Full Professor of Archaeology at Northeast Normal University.
For those interested in attending in person, the event will take place on October, 1st, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., in Room C, first floor, left wing, of Ex Vetrerie Sciarra (Via dei Volsci, 122, 00185, Roma). For those who prefer to participate online, please find the Zoom invitation below.
Alessandro Piccolo invites you to the zoom lecture:
Zoom link:
ID: 899 9835 4483
Passcode: 617176