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23 January 2013 Start
17 February 2013 End
Mon-Fri 3.00-8.00 p.m. Sat-Sun 12.00-7.00 p.m. Time
Turkey Sismanoglio Megaro, İstiklal Cad. No 60, Istanbul

Τηλ.: tel. 0090 2122448640
e-mail.: [email protected]

Fragments of presence in the Hans of Istanbul

23 January-17 February 2013

Greek photographer Athina Kazolea will present her latest photo series revolving around traditional Ottoman hans (inns) and their history at the Sismanoglio Megaro in Istanbul.

The exhibition is produced by the Museum of Photography in Thessaloniki and co-organized by the General Consulate of Greece and the Museum of Photography of Thessaloniki. It is part of the program “Cultural Crossroads”, funded by OPAP.

Curator: Vangelis Ioakimidis