14 December 2023 Start
14 December 2023 End
6pm (GMT) / 8pm (GR) Time

Lakonian Heroic Plaques Revisited: Has Anything Changed?

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Centre for Spartan & Peloponnesian Studies at the University of Nottingham and the Municipality of Sparti are pleased to invite you to this week’s Sparta Live! webinar with Dr Gina Salapata (Massey University, New Zealand) on

“Lakonian Heroic Plaques Revisited: Has Anything Changed?”

Summary of talk

Terracotta plaques depicting a seated figure often holding a drinking cup and accompanied by a snake are a distinctive local type of offering in Lakonia. In her book “Heroic Offerings: The Terracotta Plaques from the Spartan Sanctuary of Agamemnon and Kassandra” (2014), Dr Salapata concluded that these plaques were a type of offering reserved for heroes in Lakonia and neighbouring Messenia. In this presentation, she will review findings published in the past decade to assess if these plaques can still be considered a reliable diagnostic feature for identifying the recipient as a hero.

The webinar will take place on Thursday 14 December at 6pm (GMT) / 8pm (GR) (*note change of usual time*)

Attendance is free but you must register in advance via this link:

The event will also be broadcasted live via  and