23 August 2016 Start
25 August 2016 End
Sweden Campus Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, 753 13 Uppsala


Landscape Archaeology Conference 2016

August 23-25, 2016

The 4th International Landscape Archaeology Conference will be hosted by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History. It will be held at Uppsala University, the oldest university in Scandinavia —founded in 1477— on 23-25 of August, 2016.

Following previous conferences held in Amsterdam (2010), Berlin (2012) and Rome (2014), the aim of the LAC2016 conference is to provide a platform for archaeologists, anthropologists, human and physical geographers, earth scientists and researchers from cognate disciplines to present and discuss results, methods and theories around the broad fields of landscape archaeology, landscape research more generally, and historical ecology. The conference aspires to cross conventional divides between nature and culture, mind and matter, and to bring together perspectives on landscapes past and present from the humanities and social and environmental sciences.