13 September 2018 Start
16 September 2018 End
Greece The Auditorium of the Acropolis Museum (Thursday) and the lecture hall of the Italian School (Friday to Sunday).


Logistics in Greek Sanctuaries – the Human Experience of Visiting the Gods

Thursday 13 September to Sunday 16 September, 2018

Greek sanctuaries have been studied for more than 150 years, but mainly with a focus on temples, statues, monuments and sacrificial ritual. Our conference adopts a different perspective, that of the human visitor, in order to explore the hands-on, logistical experience of someone coming to a Greek sanctuary. Of interest is how people travelled to the location and once there, the logistics as to where they slept, cooked, ate, drank and took care of their hygiene, but also how trash and waste were handled, how transport and sacrificial animals were cared for, and if markets occurred and what was bought and sold. In short, to what extent did the architecture and activities in Greek sanctuaries reflect
the needs of the humans and animals present? A more profound understanding of the practical and mundane activity at sanctuary visits offers new perspectives to the traditional study of Greek cult places by focusing on other sides of ancient Greek religion and society than those usually explored.