24 November 2015 Start
8 January 2016 End
Weekdays 10.00 - 13.00, opening ceremony starts 18.30 Time
Greece Belgian School at Athens, Makri 11 , Athens

Τηλ.: +30 210 3647102
e-mail.: [email protected]

Painting the Kephali

Nov. 24 2015 - Jan. 08 2016

“Painting the “Kephali”. Views of the archaeological excavations at Sissi, Crete 2010-2015″ is the title of an exhibition by the Sissi excavations resident artist Rosemarie McGuire to be held at the Belgian School at Athens, on the occasion of the School’s relocation to new premises.

The exhibition opening will be accompanied by a series of presentations focusing on the School’s activities, highlighted by the lecture by prof. Denis Morin (Université de Lorraine) “Thorikos, a mining city. Discovery of an exceptional underground network”.