Tobias Busen will address the topic “Pausilypon: Design features of an imperial residence on the Bay of Naples.” The little-known Roman villa Pausilypon near Naples surprises with its design features regarding the plan layout and systems of access and view. The lecture will give an overview on the remains of this imperial estate and its research history and will try to compare this very particular villa with other examples around the Bay of Naples and elsewhere.
The lecture is part of “The Circle – Dialogues on Greeek and Roman Architecture” Lecture series.
“The Circle” Organizing Committee: Maria-Evdokia Wassenhoven, Nils Hellner, Alexander Herda, Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos, Georg Ladstätter, Vasileia Manidaki, Jean-Charles Moretti, Jari Pakkanen, David Scahill, Elisavet Sioumpara