BSA Friends’ Virtual Lecture “Pavlopetri – the Sunken City Explored” by Prof. Bill Cavanagh, Dr Chrysanthi Gallou & Dr Jon Henderson will take place on Tuesday 8 November 2022 at 5pm (UK) / 7pm (Greece). This event is part of a series of Friends’ Lectures running from September 2022 to April 2023. You can participate in the event live online via Zoom.
avlopetri, off the coast of Laconia, Greece, has remains dating from at least 3,500 BC through to the Protogeometric period c.900 BC. Underwater research over the past decade, as a joint project by the Greek Underwater Ephorate and the University of Nottingham, has traced structures over 8 hectares of the seabed consisting of intact domestic buildings, larger public constructions, courtyards, streets, funerary structures, graves and rock-cut tombs. This lecture will review the remains recorded underwater, how they came to be submerged, and will consider the nature of occupation at the site during the Aegean Bronze Age and the role of the town as a gateway port.
Please register here to participate via Zoom: