12 May 2022 Start
12 May 2022 End
7:00pm (Greece) 12:00pm (EDT) Time
Greece ASCSA Cotsen Hall - Hybrid Lectures, Anapiron Polemou 9, Athens 106 76 Anapiron Polemou 9 Athens 106 76

Τηλ.: (+30) 213 000 2400
e-mail.: [email protected]

Recent Excavations at the Sanctuary of Artemis in Amarynthos, Euboea

Thursday, May 12, 2022

The American School of Classical Studies presents “Recent Excavations at the Sanctuary of Artemis in Amarynthos, Euboea”. The speakers are:

Sylvian Fachard (University of Lausanne, Director of the SwissSchool of Archaeology in Athens)

Angeliki Simosi (Ephor of Antiquities ofEuboea)

Tamara Saggini (Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece)

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