16 July 2021 Start
17 July 2021 End
14.00 - 19.30 UTC+2 Time
Germany Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (online via Zoom)

e-mail.: [email protected]

The reception of Greek vases by European ceramic factories, ca. 1840–1900

16-17 July 2021

Artes Etruriae renascuntur 2.0. The reception of Greek vases by European ceramic factories, ca. 1840–1900 is the topic of a conference to be held digitally, via Zoom.

If interested, you are invited to register in advance via email to Prof. Dr. Corinna Reinhardt at  [email protected]

The reception of Greek vases: Program (all time UTC +2)

Friday, July 16

14:00–14:30    Corinna Reinhardt: Introduction – The Grecian Vase: 1840–1900

14:30–15:15    Hildegard Wiegel, ‚Greek‘ Vases in the Royal Collection. A diplomatic gift and its afterlife


Panel 1: Spectrum and diversity of productions à la grecque

Chair: Andreas Grüner

15:15–16:00     Caterina Maderna, Napoleon und die Folgen: Triumphierende Antike im Porzellan

Coffee break

16:30–17:15     Nancy Ramage, After the Antique: The Giustiniani Pottery and its Roots in ancient South Italy

17:15–18:00     Anja Klöckner, Neapolitaner Keramikwerkstätten und die vielschichtige Rezeption griechischer Vasen im 19. Jahrhundert

18:00–18:45     Janett Morgan, Designs on the Past: Dillwyn’s Etruscan Ware and the art of social transformation

Saturday, July 17

Chair: Georg Gerleigner

14:00–14:30    Norbert Franken, Kopien antiker Vasen aus der Tonwarenfabrik Bernhard Bertram in Lüftelberg bei Bonn

14:30–15:15     Katharina Hefele, Jannis Rütten, Corinna Reinhardt: A new image of the Greek Vase? Eclecticism in using models for vase production by the factory of August Sältzer at Eisenach/Thuringia


Panel 2: The reception of Greek vases in other artistic media

15:15–16:00    Andreas Grüner, Schwarz / Orange

Coffee break

Chair: Arne Reinhardt

16:30–17:15    Paolo Persano, Images of Greek Vases in 19th Century Tuscany

17:15–18:00    Kilian Kohn, A deviation à la grecque – John William Waterhouses Ulysses and the Sirens (1891) in the context of 19th-century reception of Greek vases in Britain.

18:00–18:45     Bénédicte Garnier, The reception of Greek vases by Rodin in his sculpture factory, an example of «Greek-style production»

Short break

19:00–19:30     Corinna Reinhardt, Concluding remarks