7 June 2013 Start
7 June 2013 End
11.00 a.m. Time
France Amphithéâtre Michel-Ange, Ecole du Louvre, Palais du Louvre, Porte Jaujard, Aile de Flore, Place du Carrousel, 75001 Paris


The “Treasure” of Kythnos

Friday, June 7, 2013

As part of Les Journées nationales d’ Archéologie (June 7-9, 2013, France), Alexander Mazarakis Ainian, Professor of Classical Archaeology (University of Thessaly) and holder of the Blaise Pascal International Chair (Paris) will give a lecture on “The ‘Treasure’ of Kythnos and its contribution to the understanding of the Archaic Greek sanctuary”.

The excavations conducted by the archaeological team of the University of Thessaly and led by Professor Alexander Mazarakis Ainian on the site of the ancient capital of the Cycladic island of Kythnos, today called Vryokastro, brought to light impressive finds, such as the unplundered inner sanctum (“adyton”) of a temple, two altars and a large votive deposit.