16 January 2015 Start
16 January 2015 End
10.15 am - 5.00 p.m. Time
Greece B & M Theocharakis Foundation, 9, Vass. Sophias and 1, Merlin Street (Auditorium), Athens

Τηλ.: 30 2103244644

Theophil Hansen and Athens

Friday, January 16, 2015

One-day conference about the life and work of the Danish architect Theophil Hansen (1813-91), who designed some of the most significant buildings of 19th century Athens and Vienna. The conference is organised as an event to follow the exhibition “Hellenische Renaissance. The Architecture of Theophil Hansen (1813-1891)” on display at Theocharakis Foundation until 18 January 2015.

Conference Programme