18 October 2012 Start
25 November 2012 End
Thu, Sun: 10:00-18:00 Fri, Sat: 10:00-22:00 Time
Greece Pireos Street Annexe, Benaki Museum, 138 Pireos & Andronikou St., Athens

e-mail.: [email protected]

Thessaloniki 1912-2012. Hundred Years of Architecture

18 October - 25 November 2012

Events of the political and social history redefine the architectural identity of Thessaloniki and become the starting-points of a journey in space and time.

The exhibition showcases the work of important architects of the 20th century through  architectural drawings, scale models, photographic documents and films. The aim of the exhibition is to present the iconography of the city through typological and morpholofical features of its buildings.