20 January 2014 Start
20 January 2014 End
7.00 p.m. Time
Greece Archaeological Societry, Panepistimiou 22 & Omirou str., Athens

Τηλ.: 27520 47030, fax: 27520 47039

Was there a future for the Phaeacians of the Homeric Odyssey?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Professor of Harvard University and Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies Gregory Nagy will give a lecture titled

“Was there a future for the Phaeacians of the Homeric Odyssey?”

The lecture will be in English.

Free entrance

Since 2012, the Centre for Odyssean Studies organizes a series of lectures under the general title Homer: 28 Centuries of Civilization. These lectures are given annually in Athens by eminent scholars working in the field of Homeric studies.

*Image: Claude Lorrain, Port Scene with the Departure of Odysseus from the Land of the Phaecians, 1646. Louvre Museum, Paris.