   by ptsinari
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Attic inscriptions in English translation online
Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 16/01/2013 12:24


Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO) is a website designed to make available the inscriptions of ancient Athens and Attica in English translation.

It is being launched with translations of the 281 inscribed laws and decrees of Athens, 352/1-322/1 BC, which have recently been edited by Stephen Lambert as IG II3 1, 292-572.

So far there are only a handful inscriptions, in English translation only, without the original texts, but as mentioned on the site, the functionality of the site will be enhanced (e.g. by refining the search function), and eventually the site is to be extended to include all the inscriptions of Attica (ca. 20,000 in total).

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