“This canopic jar was discovered in 1907 in this very mysterious little uniscribed tomb in the Valley of the Kings along with three others; because canopic jars com in sets of four (…) She’s just incredibly beautiful. She’s made out of this translucent stone and has this veining, this wonderful creamy, whitish-yellowish color. And then you get the beautiful shape with the high shoulder (… ) This beautiful canopic jar was meant to accompany a burial–and never to be seen again.”
Do not miss watching this fascinating episode of the web series “82nd&Fifth” by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, describing a beautiful canopic jar from the Valley of the Kings, its features and its mystery…
Description: Canopic jar with a lid in the Shape of a Royal Woman’s Head, ca. 1352-1336 BC. Travertine,blue glass, obsidian, unidentified stone. Reign of Akhenaten, Dynasty 18, New Kingdom, Amarna Period. Egypt, Upper Egypt; Thebes, Valley of the Kings, Tomb KV 55, Davis/Ayrton 1907.